My Professional Thoughts


"The mediocre teacher tells. 
The good teacher explains. 
The superior teacher demonstrates. 
The great teacher inspires."

William Arthur Ward

I feel that as a teacher I am the following things: a role model, guide, friend, confidant, motivator, coach, actor, and leader. But more than anything, I want to be a teacher that sparks intellect and encourages students to pursue knowledge on their own. I believe that teaching students how to learn is more important than anything we can tell them. Giving children the confidence and the ability to think for themselves inspires them to come up with creative solutions for the challenges of today. The world has become a much different place than when I was a child and there are many new problems that future generations face. To help them overcome those challenges, I believe that we must foster new ways of thinking to face those challenges head on.

I am a music teacher by trade but I always try to put the teacher part first. I have had lessons where nothing musical was done. At times my classes have discussed events that have happened to them and how to deal with life's issues. I have had classes where we talked about drugs, gangs and religion. Sometimes it is more beneficial to scrap my plans and try to have my classes talk about the issues that are important to them. Because I have a laid back approach to teaching many of my students have found me easily approachable when they have questions they they are afraid to ask other adults. In some instances, I am the one adult figure they feel they can turn to, to help with their problem.

I feel that laughter is essential for my students. I tell them the first day I work with them that if they do not have a sense of humor, they are not going to enjoy my class. I have never had a problem with the approach backfiring on me. I believe that everyone should laugh and that it is most essential for younger children. I keep the majority of my lessons fairly lighthearted. I find that humor can be a great teaching tool and a way to deal with classroom management. I enjoy making my students laugh because it can usually put life into perspective when things get too stressful or hectic for them

Although I am a music teacher, I focus on the development of the students I teach as much as I do music and I find that in teaching this way, I have students who are happier and are more willing to think for themselves.

My goal as a professional teacher is to be become obsolete. I want my students to be able to think for themselves and to want to have a desire for learning no matter what the topic is. Sometimes it takes years for the effect to kick in but when it does, it is something very magical. In my case, I like reading and learning about music and technology but the one thing I enjoy learning more about than anything else in the world is how to become a better soccer referee. I have read many books,articles, and forums and have attended numerous classes and lectures on the subject. It was my teachers who instilled my love of learning when I was a student that gave me the drive to want to know more and I hope that I can instill that same feeling into all of my students.